Cisdem AppCrypt for Windows User Guide

Updated on June 19, 2024 Preview 8.1K Preview 0
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Cisdem AppCrypt for Windows is a tool can password protect the apps and block specific webistes on your Windows PC from unauthorized accessing. You can set schedules for locking your apps or blocking specific websites in predefined sessions, also it records all the failed attemps to better protect your computer. In this guide, we will show you the steps how to lock apps and block websites with Cisdem AppCrypt.


Part 1 Download & Install

1. You can download the installation package of Cisdem AppCrypt from the below link.

Free Download  

2. Install Cisdem AppCrypt with the downloaded package.

Double-click the .exe file to run it.

Select a language you prefer

Select a location to install the program (It is recommended to save it under D: drive instead of C: Drive)

Click Next > Next > Install to continue the installation process, when the below window appears, it means that the program has been installed successfully.


Part 2 Activation (Optional)

After installing the program, you are free to use it in 3 days, and after that you need to activate it for further use.

Step 1 Find an entrance of the activation window, you can access to the activation window by the following methods

a. Double click Cisdem AppCrypt on the Desktop to run the program, if it is in trial version, a window will pop up to ask you to activate the program, you can just click Activate > Activate Now to get into the activation window.

b. Go into the main window of Cisdem AppCrypt, click the key icon at the right upper corner.

Step 2 Copy-n-paste the license code into the pop-up window, click Activate


Part 3 How to lock Apps?

Step 1 Set password when loging at the first time

The first time you run the program, a pop-up window will show up to ask you to set a password and submit it. When you access the main window of Cisdem AppCrypt or the locked apps, you will be asked to enter this password, so remember it and don't forget it.

Tip: We recommend you ticking "Launch at System Startup" option to protect your PC better, also do not forget to tick "I have read and I understand this warning", otherwise you can not click the submit button (submit button will be grey).


Step 2 Add apps to lock down

Go to main window of Cisdem AppCrypt, you can either drag and drop or click to add the app's shortcut icon or ink/exe file into the program.


1. If you want to lock one of the apps from the Microsoft Team, please install Microsoft under any locations other than Program Files/Program/Program Files(x86) folders, or if you lock one of the apps (like Outlook.exe), then all the Microsoft apps (like Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc) will be locked as well.

2. If you don't know where the app's exe file is, you can run the app, open Task Manager, find the target app, right click it and choose "Property", you will be able to check the location of this app.

To remove the added apps, you can highlight the target app, then click at the right upper corner of the app to remove it.

After adding the app in the list, you will be asked to enter the password when you want to access this app.

You can enter the password and click OK to access it, or click Cancel to quit it. For the situation you forgot the password you set before, you can do as follows to reset your password:

Please use the email you used to place this order to send your order information to to request a secret code. After getting that code, click , enter the secret code in blank space and click , and then it will bring you to the window to set your new password.

Tip: Normally, if you added the app into the App Lock list, then the app will be locked with your password unless you quit Cisdem AppCrypt, but if you want to disable the App Lock function but enable Web Block function, you can right click the padlock icon at the task bar and select "Disable App Lock".


Part 4 How to block websites?

Part 4.1 Download & Install browser extensions

To block the websites, you will need to download and install the extension for your browser first. When you navigate to the Web Block tab, a window will pop up if you haven't installed the browser extensions, you can directly click to download and install the extensions for different browsers (Cisdem supports blocking websites on Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera and Brave).

Tips: The "Install Cisdem Extensions" window will only automatically pop up when you enter into Web Block for the first time in a day. If you mistakenly close it without installing the extensions, you can click > Check Browser Extensions to show up this window.


For Chrome/Brave Extension

Click after Chrome/Brave, it will bring you to the Chrome Web Store window, click to add the extension to Chrome/Brave.

Note: please don't slide off the extension if you want to block the websites on Chrome/Brave.


For Edge Extension

Click after Edge, it will bring you to the Edge Add-ons window, click  to add the extension to Edge.

It will pop up a window to ask you to confirm if you want to add the extension, just click 

Please note that don't slide off this extension if you want to block the websites on Edge.


For Firefox extension

Click after Firefox, it will bring you to the Firefox Add-ons window, click  to add the extension to Firefox.

Click Add to confirm adding Cisdem Web Blocker extension on the following small window at the right upper corner.

After Cisdem Web Blocker has been added, you will see the below window and it is suggested to check on the option "Allow this extension in Private Window" if you want to block the websites still in Private Window.


For Opera extension

If you want to block websites on Opera, you can download the extension from the link below
Free Download Opera Extension 

You will download a .zip package from the link, please select a fixed location to save the downloaded .zip package and unzip it.

Tip: Please note that once the extension has been installed on the browser, the extension package cannot be moved to another location, or you will have to upload and install it again.

Run Opera browser, click > Manage extensions...

Slide on Developer mode so that you can click  to upload the folder "cisdem-web-blocker-opera"

When you see the Cisdem web blocker is showing in the list, then it means it has been installed successfully.


1. Please don't slide off the extension if you want to block the websites on Edge.

2. You are suggested to check on "Allow in Incognito" so that the web block function will be available still in Incognito mode.


Part 4.2 Block porn sites on Cisdem Web Blocker

Open the extension Cisdem Web Blocker, go to the Block list, check the Block Porn box, all the porn websites will be blocked by Cisdem. 


1. If you check Block Porn box, the porn webistes will be always blocked.

2. If you want to block more sites besides the porn sites, you can add websites into the Block list and those added websites will be always blocked as well as the porn sites.


Part 4.3 Add websites for blocking on Cisdem AppCrypt

After installing the browser extensions, please keep the extensions turned on, then you can add websites/keywords into the block list as follows.

a. If you want to block a certain website, you can enter the domain name of the website and then click

b. If you want to block some websites that involving a keyword, you can enter the keyword and then click

For example, if you want to block all the URLs that include game, then you can add the keyword "game" into the list.

Tip: Cisdem AppCrypt supports blocking phrases as well, if you want to block phrase "black car", you can add "black,car" into the block list.

c. Click , select one category in the drop-down list, and then the defaulted websites under this category will be automatically added in the list.

You can enter all your websites in a txt file, and then import this txt file into the program.

d. You are also allowed to export all the websites in the list, and then edit the websites in a txt file and then import into the program again.


If you want to remove the websites/keywords from the list, you can do as follows

1. To remove single website, you can click to select the target website, then click after the target website or press the Delete button on your keyboard.

2. To batch remove websites, you can press and hold Ctrl key on your keyboard, then select the target websites, press "Delete" on your keyboard.


In addtion to adding websites into the block list, Cisdem offers two more ways to block the websites, Exceptions and Block all websites.

a. Exceptions

If there were any websites that you want to prevent or access always, you can click the Exceptions to get into the Exceptions window and add the websites that you want to block/allow always.

Please note that the schedule does not apply to the the websites in the Always Block/Always Allow list. Also if you click the padlock icon at the right lower task bar and select "Disable Web Block", it does not apply to the websites in the Always Block list either.

b. Block all websites

If you want to block all the websites except the websites in the Always Block list, you can block all the websites with the toggle


Part 5 How to set schedules on locked apps and blocked websites?

Cisdem AppCrypt blocks the added apps and websites all the time by default (the schedule is from 00:00 -23:59 every day by default), but you are also allowed to change the defaulted schedules to block those apps and websites at a certain period, you can either set a general schedule on all the apps and websites or set individual schedules on some specific apps or websites.

1. General Schedule

If you want to set a schedule for all the added apps and websites, you can go to the main window of Cisdem AppCrypt, click on the right upper corner of the main window. You can click to add a new schedule, change the current schedule or click to delete the existed schedule.

2. Individual Schedule

If you want to set individual schedules on a specific app or website, you can go to the main window of Cisdem AppCrypt, highlight the target app, click at the left upper corner of the target app or website.

On the following window, slide on and then click to create schedules for this target app or website.

3. Remove schedule

To remove the added schedules, you can click after the target schedule to remove it.


Part 6 Preferences

If you want to customize your general settings or change your password, you can set it by clicking on the main window.

1. General

a. Launch at system startup: If you tick this option, Cisdem AppCrypt will run when the system starts, it is recommended to tick it to better protect your private information.

b. Disable TaskMgr/Disable CMD: To ensure Cisdem AppCrypt works more safely and efficiently, Cisdem AppCrypt automatically locks 2 security apps (TaskManager and Command), if you don't want to lock these two apps, you can just uncheck them here.

c. Customize lock background image: If you checked this option, then you will be allowed to upload your favourite image as the background of the locking interface. Otherwise, the background of the locking interface will be displayed as the default background.

2. App Lock

a. Enable automatic lock when app is deactivated: If you checked this option, Cisdem AppCrypt will automatically lock the blocked app after the app is deactivated for a few minuites, and you are allowed to set a specific number of minitues by yourself, the minimum number it allows is 1 and the maximum minute is unlimited. Please note that this option is unchecked by default.

b. Enable automatic lock after leaving your computer: If you checked this option, Cisdem AppCrypt will automatically lock the blocked apps after your computer is deactivated for a few minuites, and you are allowed to set a specific number of minitues by yourself, the minimum number it allows is 1 and the maximum minute is unlimited. Please note that this option is checked by default.

3. Web Block

a. Lock browser when the extension is disabled: Cisdem AppCrypt will lock the browser app immediately if the extension is disabled or removed. Please note that this option is checked by default.

b. When you are tring to access the blocked websites, it will auto jump to this URL by default: If you want to jump to another URL instead, you can check this option, and then enter the target URL in the blank space.

4. Reset Password

When you want to change your password to a new one, you can reset it in the Preferences window, you will be asked to input your current password firstly, and then input your new password, click when it is done.


Part 7 How to check failed attempt log?

Cisdem AppCrypt records all the attempts to open the locked apps by entering the wrong password and displays the app names and time of failed access in the list. You can check the failed attempt log by clicking Menu > Failed Attempt Log


Part 8 How to copy settings from one PC to another?

When you need to transfer to a new PC, or you have multiple computers and you want to lock same apps with same schedules on all your computers, there is an easy way to help you do this.

Step 1 After setting up the locked apps and blocked websites on one of your computer, go to the main window of Cisdem AppCrypt, click Menu > Export Configure to export a file with extension .acconf.

Step 2 Go to install Cisdem AppCrypt on your other computers, and transfer the exported .acconf file to these computers. Click Menu > Import Configure and select the .acconf file to import it.

Tip: Through the .acconf file, it can help you to transfer the schedules to another computer, but the password is not included.


Part 9 Application Updating

We always suggest users to use the latest version of the program.

When you launch Cisdem AppCrypt, Cisdem will auto check for updates.

Also, you can Click Menu on the main window, then click Check for Updates to manually update it.


Traci Gordon has worked as a tester in a software company for 8 years, she believes that the best software should be a tool that can help users accomplish what they need with the simplest steps.

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