Cisdem Deals: Three Apps To Help You Get The Most From Your Mac

Rosa Reyes
March 18, 2016 Preview 2475 Preview 1
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Alongside our regular Daily Deals offers, we sometimes showcase some of the special offers. For this time, our special offer item is three Apps to help you get the most from your mac, including a tool to keep your Mac applications locked from prying eyes, something has ability to merge, split, compress and extract PDF, and a way to convert native and scanned PDF to word, pages, excel, PPT, text or any formats.

First special offer is Cisdem Appcrypt. No matter the FBI asking the Apple to break an iPhone or Apple to power part of iCloud to protect the personal information from Hick, our personal information is threatened and maybe leak from any ways. How to protect the our information from leaking is big class. Cisdem AppCrypt is an application to keep our Mail, Quicken and other Apps on Mac from prying eyes on our daily life. You will never worry about prying eyes when you share your Mac with others. You can also prevent your children from apps at improper time with setting specific time periods of encryption. What’s more, it keeps track of failed attempts and provides reporting on app name, date, time, operation and snapshot took by front camera. You could get the great the application at $19.99 before now is 50% price only $9.9 and the offer ends soon.

Do you hand PDF documents on a daily basis? Do you want a tool which can merge, split, compress and extract PDF easily. Cisdem PDFToolkit for Mac comes to the second special offer which can provide a set of utility functions for better working. With it, you can merge large PDF files with the ability to arrange them in any order, split PDF files to personal PDF for customers, associates and employees, compress PDF files to speed up large file transfer and reducing storage space, extract images and texts from scanned PDF files. All these can make you hand you PDF conveniently. This is available to you at 29.99, now for less than half price at $9.9, for only one week.

Beside merge, split, compress and extract PDF. Do you need to rework a PDF document? And do you find rework PDF that is a hard work? Don’t be worried about it. CisdemPDFConverterOCR for Mac is the today’s last special offer which could fit your request. Use Mac PDF Converter OCR to convert native or scanned PDF to Word, Text, Excel, PPT, Keynote, Pages, Rtfd, ePub, HTML, and image documents, as well as digitize text on images (JPG, BMP, PNG, TIFF, GIF) with OCR technology. What is more, With over 49 languages supported for OCR text recognition, it is the most handy PDF OCR Converter for every Mac users: home users, business users at work, and educational institutions. To Grab this tool normally $ 59.99, now only for $24.99 within 2 days.

All the special offer are time limited. If you really like it, click it and take it!!

Rosa Reyes

Rosa has worked in Mac software industry for more than eight years. She believes that the purpose of software is to make life better and work more productively. In addition to writing, Rosa is also an avid runner.

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    This post has helped me think things thorguh

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